Vitality Development Achievement

VDA Inc. Vision Statement

The vision of VDA Inc. is to provide a stimulating learning environment with a creative orientation across the whole curriculum, maximizing individual potential and ensuring that students of all abilities are well equipped to meet the challenges of learning. Research shows that children who have a successful Preschool Program experience will become better prepared students as they travel through the educational system.

VDA Inc. stands for, Vitality, Development and Achievement.


President - Alvin Vital, M.E

rousan, hanadi[6555]

Program Director- Hanadi Rousan, MSOL

Program Highlights

VDA Inc. provides quality Preschool Programs that meet Title 5 Regulations, Community Care Licensing Title 22 and staff that meet the following standards of education:

  • Highly trained and caring teaching staff
  • Desired results for children and families (DRDPS)
  • DRDP Tech
  • State Approved California Preschool Curriculum Framework and Learning Foundations
  • Early Stars Rating (QRIS)
  • Ages and Stages (AS&Q)
  • Learning Genie
  • Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales (ECERS)
  • Physical Education Program (K.E.E.P)
  • Food Program (CACFP)

Food Program

VDA, Inc. is eligible for the Child Care Food Program. Children will receive breakfast, lunch and/or P.M. snack, (Type of meals served varies at each location)…

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Director of Special Education (DSE)

Zeina Rousan

Our DSE is dedicated to helping VDA Inc.’s goal of serving the “whole child,” both in and outside of school hours. Her role includes two major responsibilities. First, the DSE equips teachers with the tools and information they need to establish an inclusive environment. Specifically, the DSE is constantly collaborating with site supervisors and teachers to build classroom and individualized plans to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of all students. She also provides trainings for staff to build their expertise on culturally-responsive pedagogy and special education. The second part of the DSE role includes building relationships with and providing resources to VDA Inc.’s families. VDA Inc. understands that supporting the “whole child” means our beloved families as well. Our DSE is there to help families through the special education process, connect them to resources in their area, and maintain long-lasting partnerships.

Kids Enjoying Exercise Program ~ K.E.E.P

Obesity and inactivity in children is an ever-pressing issue. VDA Inc. recognizes this fact and understands that healthy habits begin in preschool. That’s why we designed and implemented the KEEP program to prioritize physical education in school. KEEP is an integral part of our daily curriculum where students are able to learn and take part in stretches, obstacle courses, exercises, team-building activities, movement games, and so much more. Our Physical Education Coach, Teacher Cookie, visits each site weekly to conduct fun KEEP lesson plans with our kids and provides models for teachers to do the same on a daily basis. KEEP has proven to be one of the most exciting and nourishing parts of our students’ days.